Executive Consultancy

Effective leadership for decision- and policymakers.

Executive consultancy is intended for entrepreneurs, directors and senior managers who want temporary support and guidance during essential career moments.

The performance of decision-makers and policymakers affects the entire organisation. As a leader, it’s not just about what you do but also about who you are and how you do business. Discussing uncertainties is often described as brutal. We want to offer a solution here as a sparring partner or someone who holds up a mirror.

Steering in times of change
Learning to interpret the behavior of others
Learn to communicate more effectively
Learning to recognise deception in conversations
Balancing the substantive side of your position and an overview.
How to improve my effectiveness as a professional?
Aligning culture and strategy
Developing service-oriented leadership
How to get commitment?
How to create a collective sense of responsibility among my staff?
Motivating teams and employees and achieve better results
Sparring about actual (practical) situations and defining an approach
How to adapt my behaviour and influence that of others?
Constructive communication Techniques in -looming- conflict situations

Immens bedrijfs- en managementadviesImmens bedrijfs- en managementadvies

When the moment arrives to reassess and reshape your aspirations, it’s about answering those pivotal questions: “How can I enhance my productivity? Am I still on the right path? What small changes can I make to evolve and find more fulfilment in my professional and personal life?”

Our dedication ensures that you embark on a journey of self-discovery, gaining profound insights into your unique dynamics and how they intersect with your ambitions and surroundings.

Also, we would like to guide you in appraising the effectiveness of your performance and embarking on the next phase of your personal leadership journey. Crafting a meaningful definition of your goal(s) and devising tailored strategies are also part of the equation. Because each individual is inherently distinct, our approach is always centred around personalisation and tailored to your specific needs.

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